A panel of dental doctors visited the Injectable manufacturing facility as a part of the organization’s advanced employee’s medical program. The company decided to include dental check-up in addition to the routine medical health checkup. The team of dental doctors performed the dental cleaning which involves the removal of soft and hard deposits above, around and just below the gumline by scaling.

At the end of the dental check-up of all the employees, they noted a surprising finding that 60% of the employees had teeth discoloration beneath the lower jaw teeth. Once this observation was brought to the notice, the next step was to segregate the personnel function wise. The data was trended and to the surprise, all the 60% belonged to the aseptic manufacturing operators.
Investigation was conducted to identify the root cause. After a brain storming session, it was identified that the aseptic manufacturing operators had been using the mouth wash for the last one year as a change brought in the standard operating procedure. This mouth wash was a step added into the standard operating procedure for all operators before to every entry of the aseptic manufacturing suite.

This is a perfect example of how changes are made without evaluating the risk. Any change or a new introduction into any system has to be evaluated for risk and or impact. The risk assessment is a must for the evaluation for the change. In this example, had the risk been evaluated, questions like whether this step is needed or not? If needed, what is the correct mouthwash which can be used which do not erode the enamel of the tooth and cause discoloration? Or is there any other alternative like using a sterilized mouth mask? Or infact going to dental experts and seeking their advice and include as a step? Makes sense?

Infact outside the Pharmaceutical world, this is applicable to any changes this world has brought up. When mobile usage entered the world as a new technology, the impact of the change was huge in both positive and negative way. The world is in our pockets and one can reach anyone in the world. Also it has reduced the communication in families and increased the poor eye development in the younger generation across the world as one of the renowned ophthalmologist in Singapore informed me that the retina in the current generation youth is very poor when compared to the previous generation eyes. These changes, where one has no control, it all depends upon each individual keeping a self-control mechanism.
Changes also leads to development and improvement. How to embrace those changes is the question?
This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions expressed in this blog are personal and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any organization, company or individual.
Note-The images given for representation in this blog are taken from Google / Unsplash Images. Many thanks for Google & Unsplash
Great Story for today’s generation Muthu ji.
For humans, any form of power or positions does neglects risk factor involved in the change. Younger generation feels powerful using phone and such gadgets which makes it difficult to make them understand sometimes.
Latest global example is what happened to Titan Submersible, carbon fiber material was not used or tested for such depths in the ocean 🌊. Company owner of the Ocean Gate avoided despite many letters he received from certified and experienced professionals.
Best teacher is Mother Nature to learn about the change.
Thank you Snehal!
Good.. very useful message
Thank you Sudha!
Right person, right job, right assessment then only we can avoid sir
Thank you Srikanth.
Magnificent article! It’s hypnotizing to learn about the behind the scenes instances of medication collecting and how it affects our standard schedules.
Thank you!